Basic training and training updates of OSH technicians
OSH training of expert OSH workers
Číslo oprávnenia: VVZ – 0458/09 – 01.2
The training is intended for persons working on the position of OSH technician/ expert. Training participants are trained on their rights and obligations according to valid OSH legislation.
Length of the training: 176 hours
Dates of trainings: are listen on, In the section “Documents” you will find the “Application” form. Please fill in and send the form.
Cena: na vyžiadanie
Miesto konania: JF, spol. s r.o., Somolického 3, Zvolen
The updated OSH training for OSH technicians and OSH authorized technicians
The course is intended for safety technicians and authorized security technicians, who are obliged to attend updating training in accordance with Act No. 124/2006 Coll., as amended.
Length of training: 16 hours
Dates of trainings: are listen on, In the section “Documents” you will find the “Application” form. Please fill in and send the form.
Cena: na vyžiadanie
Miesto školenia: JF, spol. s r.o., Somolického 3, Zvolen